There are many types of dishwashers on the market, so it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. Here are four of the most common types: top loading, front loading, stacking washer/dishwasher, and compact machine.
Top Loading Dishwashers: Top-loading dishwashers load dishes from the top down. They have a door at the bottom of the machine that opens to expose the wash basin. They’re usually more expensive than other types of machines, but they’re also more efficient because they load more dishes at once.
Front Loading Dishwashers: Front-loading dishwashers have a door that opens onto the wash basin from the front of the machine. They’re less expensive than top-loading machines and tend to be just as efficient.
Stacking Washer/Dishwasher Machines: Stacking washer/dishwasher machines are similar to top loading machines in that they have a door that opens onto the wash basin from the top, but they also have a second lower drawer that folds out from under the first drawer and becomes a washing floor. This feature makes them ideal for large families or households with multiple people who want their dishes washed at once.
Compact Machine Dishwashers: Compact machine dishwashers are designed for smaller kitchens or bathrooms. They don’t have as many features as other types of machines and don’t usually hold as many dishes, but they’re still often very efficient and affordable.
Dishwashers are one of the most-used appliances in a household. They’re convenient, quick, and easy to use, but they can also be problematic if they don’t work properly.
Here are some common problems with dishwashers:
The dishwasher won’t start. This could be because of a plugged or blocked drain, broken pipes beneath the dishwasher, or a dirty filter.
The dishwasher is leaking water or soap. This could be caused by a faulty seal on the water line or overflow tube, an incorrect assembly of the dishwasher’s plumbing, or worn parts in the pump.
The dishes come out dirty and wet. This could be because of a clogged drainage system in the dishwasher, debris build-up on the filters, or a defective strainer basket.